Plastics with handles are used as carrying bags in various stores and trades and make it easy to move goods and items. You must have seen these types of bags in fruit stores, chain stores, supermarkets, clothing stores, bookstores, pharmacies, etc. In general, all sellers use it in their sales center to place products and move them.
All kinds of plastic with handles
There are different types of plastic with handle in terms of shape and how to connect the handle, which includes the following:
Plastic bag for handlebars: plastic handles whose design is derived from the design of the stilt cover are called stilt plastic. It has high endurance and has a good place for cargo inside.
Plastic banana handle: This type of bag is often used as a stylish advertising plastic due to its stylishness and high printability.
Plastic reinforcement handle: This model is similar to the banana handle model, which is more durable due to having an extra layer of nylon in the handle part.
Plastic classification: The plastic bag with a strap, which is also known as the basket handle, has the ability to bear less weight than other models, and for this reason, it is the most used for clothing stores and exhibitions, and for purposes that require bearing. It is heavy, not recommended.
Nylon and Nylex with handle
You should know that plastic bags are also divided into nylon and nylon. Nylon material is soft and flexible and transparent. By touching the nylon, you can feel its softness completely and it will not produce much sound. Nylon is not suitable for carrying heavy items, and it can be used in clothing stores, pharmacies, and other businesses. On the other hand, the material of Nylex is dry, which makes it produce a relatively loud sound when touched. In addition, Nylex does not have the transparency of nylon and is a little more opaque. But Nylex has the ability to bear more weight than nylon, which makes it used by trades such as fruit and vegetable stores that have heavy products.
Plastic print with handle
By printing on plastic with handles, these types of packaging become beautiful and attractive and can be used to advertise your business and promote your product. Plastic printing is done both exclusively for advertising purposes and as ready-made printing. Businesses that want to use their own name and logo in packaging can order printing of promotional plastic handles and have their own nylon. But businesses that want to have slightly different packaging but don’t have the budget for dedicated printing are usually fans of promotional nylon with ready-made designs, which is also known as fantasy nylon.
Plastic with a kilo handle
If you need to buy Nylon and Nylex with handles in general, you should know that a high order volume can lead to a price reduction, and it is more economical in terms of shipping, which all lead to a reduction in the total price. You can buy bulk nylons with handles in kilos through Wazinplast. When buying, it is necessary to know the daily price of plastic with handles. But due to the fact that these rates go up and down in the conditions of currency fluctuations, it is better to contact Wazin Plast Group to know the exact price.
Frequently asked questions
- Nylon or Nylex? Which one should I choose? If the appearance is not important to you and you are more concerned about resistance and strength, we recommend Nylex. But if your work requires a package with a suitable appearance, we recommend nylon.
- What is the size of plastic handle? These types of plastics are produced in various sizes, the smallest of which is 20×30 and the largest is 65×75.
- What is the difference between first and second grade plastic bags? The second-grade type is a recycled material, it has a lower quality, and its characteristics include turbidity and a pungent smell.
- Is it possible to produce colored plastic handles by your collection? Yes, types of nylon and nylex can be produced in clear, black, milky and colored by adding color masterbatch.
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